7 Reasons Why You Should Outline Your Novel DURING Revision

The Written Word Remains...

Pay attention to timeline issues, character development/arcs, character motivations, scene motivations, pacing, etc.

Today we’re going to talk about how to approach the next revision step: developmental edits. Basically this means addressing the major, structural issues of your WIP before moving on to the minor things.

This step comes after you’ve read your first draft, made some comments or jotted down ideas.

Of course, whether you’ve merely jotted down ideas, or come up with new pacing suggestions, or discovered some character motivations, etc., at this point you should create a new outline.

Even if you’re not an outliner, this is the point where an outline can save you a whole lotta work. Trust me. As a reformed pantser, I have (finally) learned the value of repeated outlines.

I’ve discussed it before, but I’ve revised a previous WIP so many times I think my eyes were bleeding. The sole reason…

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3 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why You Should Outline Your Novel DURING Revision

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